Protect Your mind & soul
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Do Energy work to protect Your mind & soul.
– most people need it more now.
Energy is fundamental for body, mind and soul, and it must be good energy. But these days we have more bad energies than ever – inside & outside – and the risk of mind control or degradation.
Luckily there are solutions, and most of them You can do yourself.
During human history we always had beings and energies that are bad/demonic (influencing us to take a path, decision or action that are bad), therefor awareness, protection and actions were needed. But today (in the 2020's) it's more important than ever, since we now also have synthetic Energies and technology acting demonic.*
* See examples and pics on this page.
It's about health but also about integrity: Having an uninfected body, a sound mind & values, and an uncompromised soul.
- Do You want to have technology in Your body that is bad for Your health and is controlled by someone else?
- Do You want someone/something else to control Your mind and emotions?
- Are You prepared to let this go on until Your soul is compromised and You can legally be declared a cyborg that is owned by the tech company due to copyright laws?
If You answered "no" to these questions You should start practicing the suggestions below.
Everything is energy.
We can control some of the energies connected to us (or Energy coming from us). Even thoughts and emotions are Energy.
Everything starts with awareness – just being aware of the things above is a good start … for a demon-free Life in harmony.
Example: A wish + setting intention + speaking those words = progress.
When You really want something, You utilize Power of mind & emotion.
And if You set an intention you concentrate the power of the wish.
And when You speak the words, You amplify the intention via vibration.
Example of what to say: "I call on my Guardian angels (x3).
Be gone all entities, beings and energies that are bad for me, all aspects included.
I forbid these entities, beings and energies to do bad things to me or to my Life purposes.
Neutralize disharmony in me. Harmonize all my energies.
Boost my Energy shield. Help me stay protected in mind, body & soul. I want a sound mind and my ability to see truth and the courage to follow my heart and take actions that serve truth, justice, nature and higher purposes."